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Is maltodextrin vegan

Considering the common active ingredients list can be baffling for also the most knowledgeable customer. This is especially challenging for vegans, as whatever from food dyes to enlarging and also setting agents are usually made with active animal ingredients. Amongst the obscure, polysyllabic chemical names lining several food labels is a compound called maltodextrin. So…


Do we need to eat meat?

Conservationists motivate us to minimize meat consumption in favor of veggie foods that are much less harmful to the atmosphere. Considered that our forefathers likely had a lot of meat in their diet regimen, is going meatless a good idea? Do we need to eat meat? The History of Eating Meat Our chimpanzee-like ancestors were…


Vegan Pantry Staples

“But, what do you eat?” One of the many dreaded questions I face every day when someone finds out about my lifestyle. But it’s not because I don’t want to answer, it’s because I couldn’t even narrow down my answer. There are so many things that are vegan pantry staples. I eat SO MUCH. And…


Vegan Transition Tips

So you’re looking to make a vegan transition! Dive in! The slower you adjust, the more likely you are to cave or cheat. You need to cleanse your body and adjust to your new healthy lifestyle as quickly as possible. Here are just a few pointers that might help you along the way: Use the…